Divine Teachrs — about Themselves


Lahiri Mahasai, Yukteswar, and Yogananda

Once, the three of Them were in Their common place of power, where it is very easy to learn the methods of Kriya Yoga — a technique that Babaji gave to people. This technique was developed by Them — His Great Disciples, and later — by us.

Lahiri Mahasai is sitting in lotus posture shining with every cell of His non-material Body… Yukteswar is majestic and full of gentle peace… Yogananda is radiating the most tender love… They expressed joy at the continuation of the traditions of Great Babaji in our School. These emotions of Theirs were then formed into a hymn to the Great Teacher Babaji:

Eternal Babaji*

Let Babaji be in every heart

And in the breath of everyone — here on the Earth!

Eternal Babaji gives to people

The Transfiguring Path to God!

Legends of Him have no beginning,

Their trail was lost in the centuries…

Many were met by the Divine Guru

In His Himalayan mountains.

… A small group of His Initiates…

The sky above Them is like a tent…

Everyone, who sees Him, will remember

His Heavenly Shining Gaze.

… Staff waving: “We are packing up camp!” —

Flash of Light —

And all disappeared…

… Only a campfire on the plateau burns…

Living, Real, and Omnipresent —

He is always here, He is ready to help!

His Light is the ignited Love!

Fear and darkness — went away!

In the Fire of Love, He burns off in people

The intentions of evil and the vices of souls…

He gently leads His devotees

By the steps of spiritual growth.

He talks of the unity of all the Teachings —

The religious foundations on the Earth —

So that people may touch

The United Light of God!

Those Who have fulfilled these Teachings

Continue His work through the ages!

South and North, East and West

Are on Their Divine Hands!

The Light of love from heart to heart

Flows like a living river!

Eternal Babaji gives people

Strength and Wisdom, Love and Quiet!

Let this science live on the Earth —

The Holy Science about Us and God!

In the silence of the astonished heart

Let Babaji show us His Home!

