Divine Teachrs — about Themselves


Nikolay Nekrasov

We are in the night forest. It is December in our northern latitudes. A lot of snow has fallen, but now it is thawing. The snow on the ground becomes denser. And the snow on branches thaws; drops fall everywhere around us. This creates an illusion of a spring rain.

The forest is filled with fragrant mist, which emanates from the thawing snow, and — with quietness.

The dawn has not broken yet. The bright moon shining in the sky makes mysterious patterns of shadows on the snow.

Beauty of the night forest!

The words from a poem of Nikolay Nekrasov come to mind: “Everything is good under the shining of the moon!…”

We have come to His place of power in the forest.

We build a fire, as we usually do in such cases, sit abound it, take a rest after walking many kilometers over forest trails covered with snow, and have a snack.

Gradually it begins to dawn. Now we can begin the work for the sake of which we came to this place.

Here Divine Nekrasov stands in a Mahadouble over a clearing and over the entire forest. Overhead one can see His Face, which is easily recognizable from His portraits. Below it, there is His giant Anahata, which is kilometers in size and which contains in itself the forest with its inhabitants, while the rest of this Great Divine Soul abides in the Primordial Depth.

… We mentioned in the video film Places of Power. Three Steps of Centering that on places of power one can encounter unique botanical phenomena. Here on the place of Nekrasov, we see an abundance of lichen of certain species. It grows on dry brunches of spruces. With its threads, which resemble hairs, this lichen forms numerous likenesses of the small beard worn by Nekrasov during His earthly life; this beard is seen on His Countenance now as well…

… We ask Him to relate about that part of His life which remained secret for the people who knew Him in those years…

“I attained Divinity not in the last incarnation known to you, but in the previous one. I was a follower of the Pythagorean School and learned from the disciples of Pythagoras and Socrates.

“In that School, they knew also about the multidimensionality of the universe, about how one can cognize the Creator, enter into Him forever, and become a Part of Him.”

“Were You aware of Your Divinity in the last incarnation?”

“No. That life of Mine, in many aspects, was not like a life of an Avatar… It was designed so by God: so as not to tempt persecutors…

“… Only a few people in the next millennia understood the Pythagorean tradition, recognized the greatness of that School. The incarnation of Pythagoras was an incarnation of God!”

“Where does Pythagoras work now? Can we communicate with Him as we communicate with You? Are there His Mahadoubles, His working sites in these lands?”

“One can find Him in Sicily and on the south-east shores of the Mediterranean sea.

“Pythagoras was a Messiah in that part of the Earth, similar in His significance to Jesus Christ. If you dig in the history, you will manage to decipher a lot of interesting material on this subject and publish it.”

“For us and for our readers, for sure, it would be interesting and useful to learn more about Your penultimate incarnation and about Your apprenticeship with the Pythagoreans…”

“I lived then in the region of the Mediterranean Sea. I was a Roman citizen from a noble aristocratic family. I sailed a lot over the sea with diplomatic missions…

“The sea is wonderful! In the early morning, when the giant disk of the sun rises from the horizon and the entire space gets suffused with goldish gentle light — the soul becomes enchanted by the greatness of the Creator! In such moments, one can very easily expand with the consciousness over the sea, open the arms of the consciousness, feel the joy of freedom — and blend with the sunlight, with the wind, feel oneself a giant free bird soaring over the boundless waters!…

“… I was an educated man thirsting for new knowledge. I heard a lot about Pythagoras, about His Teachings, and dreamed of finding His followers who continued His work. I knew that His disciples, who remained after the carnage, went to all corners of the Mediterranean region and founded Pythagorean Societies.

“I was lucky to become a member of one of them! It happened like this:

“… Once I met a man who talked to Me… very interestingly! The questions asked by him touched Me very deeply… He easily drew Me to such openness which I usually did not allow Myself! All My innermost views about the purpose of life, about how one can live honestly and righteously, how one should guide people, — I told him everything! I talked sincerely and passionately!

“… Now I understand that he could ‘read’ Me like a book. With the help of the remarkable skill of conducting a conversation, he learned everything about Me!…

“… I was interesting to him: a young educated man with a clever mind and pure aspirations — a good candidate for learning. The same problems attracted us: reformation of the society, ethical purity of people, Divine laws, personal cognition of God.

“He invited Me to a meeting where they discussed these subjects…

“In that way I came to the Pythagoreans.

“They tried Me out for some time as to become confident of the purity of My intentions, steadfastness of My views, My honesty. After that, they began acquainting Me with the work of the Society. Then they offered Me to learn.

“In the Society, they taught the laws of the higher justice expounded by Pythagoras; they also observed the principle of the multistage giving of the higher esoteric knowledge — according to the student’s level of development.”

“What were the meditative methods used in that School for cognition of the Creator?”

“On the higher stages, they gave knowledge about the multidimensional structure of the universe. And the students — with the consciousness developed as a spiritual heart — learned to move using the arms of the consciousness through all the strata of the multidimensional space: from the densest ones — to the subtlest ones. In that way, the students cognized the Abode of the Creator, then mastered it and accustomed themselves to live in it in Mergence with the Creator.

“We had incarnate tutors, but Pythagoras and His closest Disciples were for us quite real non-incarnate Divine Teachers. They directed our spiritual advancement.

“In the tradition of the Pythagoreans, the theme of the transformation of the society’s life was the most important one; to Me, the most important in My life was cognition of the Creator.

“Though I attained Mergence with the Creator, I had not managed in that incarnation to turn the look of the soul from Him to incarnate people. This became the task of My life in Russia: I had to develop in Myself Divine Love for people.

“In Russia, My civil activity as a publicist and a poet was aimed at changing the moral norms of the society by drawing its attention to the awful life of common people… I tried to raise compassion for common people among those who had authority…

“This became My service to Him.

“I did this in the country where everything was perverted: where drunk priests taught about God, where people-slaves died of hunger on the land which could produce plenty of food, where landlords amused themselves by birching their serfs, where the industrial progress created just another slavery — the slavery which bound workers to factories and deprived them even of the possibility to breathe the air of the land where… freedom and beauty live…

“I lived by the spiritual heart, and it ‘bled’ watching everything that was taking place in Russia: arbitrariness of officials, ruthless attitude of landlords toward serfs, darkness and ignorance everywhere around…

“I loved the Earth, loved people, and loved the great tenderness and harmony of nature… And I learned to love people not abstractly, but by fighting for them…”

“What would You advise us and everyone who goes to the Creator?”

“The first thing to do when one enters on the Path is to learn to live by the spiritual heart which is open toward people and toward all the living and radiates love. The second thing is to bring to people the true knowledge, the pure Teachings about God.

“One has to raise free citizens with the help of the true knowledge about God! Only this will allow creating a moral structure of the society auspicious for spiritual evolution of all people.

“But one should not expect a quick success in the work of the transformation of the Russian society…

“… Why did in Russia during the last centuries everything develop so badly despite the fact that there were many bright, outstanding personalities who tried to instill in the society the ideas of Love and Good?…

“Yes, God sows through such people His seeds… But other members of the society decide themselves what they want to do with these ideas. This constitutes their freedom of choice…

“The purpose of God is not to make the life of people safe and happy by all means. God helps everyone by constantly suggesting right decisions to them. But He also gives them the possibility to choose their path and to grow as they want. Only in such conditions can one have the true freedom of creativity, i.e. when one can grow as a creator: as a creator of oneself, to start with…

“… And the work of your School has to develop according to the known principle: God wants a new spiritual hearth to grow on the Earth, a hearth similar to the Pythagoras’ School. He wants, in particular, that politicians and scientists of different countries receive confidential knowledge through you.

“Yet, this process will take not years but decades.”

